From a Few Walks in Taylor

As most who follow these posts know by now, I tote a small mirrorless camera (Olympus) with me on daily walks, usually in Taylor.   When those little moments start to clutter my desktop, they end up here.   They’re mostly closeups, primarily taken because of the light.   It’s most always about the light.

Bartlett in Hot July

A few impressions of Bartlett, Texas taken Sunday evening.   Bartlett is a community about twenty minutes north of Taylor, with around 2,000 residents, more or less.   It rests in both Williamson and Bell Counties.   Like its neighbor, Granger, a few miles south, it retains some of its wonderful brick streets.  Summer growth is taking hold, too.   I don’t cotton to summer light, but it wasn’t bad this time.

Never Handle Grounded Bats

A continuation of the Round Rock bridge post.   Mexican free-tailed bats make their home under the McNeil Street bridge near Interstate 35 in Round Rock.   I joined a group of watchers on Saturday evening, there to observe the activity.  Texas Master Naturalists were on hand to guide the discussion and questions.   I’d hoped to see a swarm of thousands of bats flying over the bridge, but the little critters stayed pretty close to the bridge last evening.   Our guide mentioned they’ve only flown high above the bridge en masse one time so far this year.   It was still neat to observe.

Bridge Patterns

This bridge in Round Rock was not my specific assignment Saturday evening, but the light gathered around (and above) its surfaces was too good to ignore.    Another post will follow soon, the main reason I was there.   For now, just the bridge.

Day’s End

It’s a photograph taken a few evenings ago in North Williamson County.   I’ve let it gather dust for a while, not sure if anyone would care to look at a “grab shot,” something I see and shoot with zero advance planning.    The harsh sunlight was blazing in the distance when this farmer heading home caught my eye.   I quickly grabbed a camera, hopped out of the car and made a few frames.  The farmer probably assumed the photographer was daft (he’d have been right!)  but thankfully there was nobody behind me on this quiet country road.   The light was problematic, but is reminiscent  of the Eastman Kodak snapshots my parents took with their little box cameras in the 50s.   If you’re looking for technical wizardry, look elsewhere this time.   I just like this one’s mood.

Early Morning Rambling

Getting up early isn’t difficult, but taking photos at the beginning of a day can be challenging.   This morning, however, I made myself get out the door about twenty minutes before sunrise, choosing to stay close to home.   The rookery at Taylor’s Murphy Park is usually a good option.   This collection of photos includes not just our seasonal visitors, egrets, but also ducks and geese, year-round residents.  The first three are before sunrise.  The power lines around the park make sunrises tricky, but I managed.    It’s good to be an early-bird sometimes.

Warm Evening Skies

It’s an area east of Granger I’ve  photographed quite a lot, but enjoyed the recent arrival of warm light near sunset.   The structure, if I’m correct, was at one time a picker’s shack,  made available for seasonal workers many years ago.   It fits well into this scene.

Another Fine Barn

This continues a series of photographs documenting barns.   Pictured tonight is a barn I first photographed seven years ago.   Just up the road from us, I’d seen it for several years, but wouldn’t set foot on the property without an okay from the owner.   In 2017, however, I noticed a couple outside, tending a garden in their yard.   Pulling into the driveway, I asked if it was alright to take photos. “Sure, but watch out where you step,” pointing to a spot.  “I killed a rattlesnake right there,” he explained.    Since then this barn has been in front of my lenses a few times.   The road it’s on was closed down for almost a year for a widening project, but recently it re-opened.   These were taken last evening.   I’m glad to see the 1963 Chevrolet still there.    A few barns photographed no longer exist.   It’s important to document them now.

A Vintage Washington County Gin

These photos were taken in mid-March, on a weekend we went hunting for wildflowers in Washington County, Texas.   After spending time in Brenham, we traveled 12 miles west, to the community of Burton, home to the Cotton Gin Museum.  Behind the museum is this wonderful cotton gin, which opened in 1913.  It’s still operational today, primarily during the museum’s Cotton Gin Festival, held each April.  It’s a really neat space.   I’ve added a photo of the site’s historical marker to give you a little more information.   As cotton season nears, this seemed like a good set of photographs to dust off and offer tonight.  I’m hopeful our farmers have a better harvest this year.   Drought and heat are treacherous.