The best thing about Super Bowl Sunday is how it creates a sense of quiet. Folks are glued to their televisions, thoroughly absorbed. For those of us who could care less about the “big game” it’s a gift. Not long after kickoff, I was on the road in search of a photograph. Traffic was minimal. Earlier in the day, I’d stopped by Taylor’s grocery store to pick up a few things. The store was jam packed, folks stocking up before the game. Around 6:30 I stopped for an evening photograph at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, in Wuthrich Hill, a few miles east of Taylor. Preparing to leave, a low hum was heard on the road next to the church. Knowing that hum, I kept the camera ready as a farmer crested the hill past the church. Farmers, at least this one, were working, not watching a game. It’s one of the many reasons I admire farmers.
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Those Daily Walk Sightings
The weekly roundup of photos from daily walks in Taylor are offered here. They’re probably boring you by now, but I go nowhere without a camera. And I won’t pass up a visual opportunity. A bunch of you will be focused on football soon. Note the flag at the conclusion of this post.
Cupid’s Chase!
Temperatures this morning were in the mid-upper 60s in Georgetown, great weather for the 30th Annual Cupid’s Chase held in San Gabriel Park. The event included a 1-mile fun run for kids, plus a 5K main event. Sponsored and coordinated by the Georgetown Parks Department, this year approximately 700 people were registered. Normally, I shy away from what I call “busy” photos, but the friends all wearing “I hate running” shirts were just too much fun to pass up! They stayed together the entire time for a brisk walk. They’re neat ladies. And I like the dad waving to his kids near the finish line, followed by nice hugs. Every road race I’ve covered over the past few decades has been adorned with sweet moments, little bits of life.
This Morning’s Sunrise
For early risers, sunrises are also calming. From just north of Taylor this morning.
Just Sunsets
Perhaps sunset photographs are overdone. I’ll add three to the mix tonight. The opening one was taken Thursday evening a few miles north of Thrall, close to Sandoval. The color really was that vibrant. The other two photos are from this evening, both a few miles south of Granger. The second shot is on a road I only discovered this evening. It appears to a place where a farmhouse once sat. And the last one is along a county road I like. Just sunsets tonight, friends.
One Very Peaceful Road
A few years ago, while aimlessly wandering through Milam County, Texas, I happened on a beautiful unpaved road that slowed my breathing and filled the senses with wonder. If memory serves, it was a winter outing. Seasonal light focused its majesty on the road and surrounding trees. This week, when winter’s sunlight near day’s end was embracing the landscape with warmth, I visited again. Since it’s been a while, I was concerned that hastening development would’ve taken a toll. Thankfully, it looks much the same. The road is probably no more than two miles long. As before, I was able to stop, get out of car, take a photograph, then continue on without seeing another vehicle. There was even a nifty old barn. You won’t find that level of quiet where we live now. Friends who grew up here probably know this road, but I’m not going to broadcast its location here. Peaceful places need to stay that way.
You don’t need many words for this post. Horses are one of our most elegant beings. Blackland Prairie royalty.
A Casual Stroll On a Hill
For some reason, her walking style reminds me of John Wayne. Longhorns are adorned with abundant character.
Just Some Deer
Nothing special tonight, friends, just a few deer encountered on recent outings. The opening photograph lets you know it’s wise to pay attention to what’s in front of you. That photograph was taken in Coupland. Others are from Granger and Georgetown. Deer don’t understand motor vehicles. Be careful.
Into Southern Bell County
At the right time of year this winding Farm to Market Road in Southern Bell County, Texas is majestic. The attraction this time was an elegant green field spreading across the landscape. It might be the beginning of a Spring crop, or just the day’s winter light making itself known. Since this road is somewhat busy, I didn’t tarry. few shutter clicks before moving on.