Thoughts & Images from Andy Sharp

A Fine February Evening

If you haven’t figured it out yet, a lot of what I do is wander.   These excursions, as my site implies, are ramblings.   Sometimes I have something in mind.   Mostly, however, I’m following, and chasing, the light.   As a first grader, I couldn’t draw worth a lick.   When Miss Bertha White, my first grade teacher at Grim Elementary School, in Texarkana, Texas, asked the class to draw a person, I drew one alright, but left off an essential portion of the anatomy:  a body.   There was a head, eyes, nose, mouth and ears.  There were a set of legs and arms to match.  The arms, however, were attached to the legs, sans body.   I got a D-minus.  Fast-forward to my late-teens, when I discovered photography.  I was hooked, and have been ever since.   I could “draw” with light.   These photos taken last week were the result of 75-minute wandering, in East Williamson County, Texas, from just before sunset, until well after.   Chase the light when you can.

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