Thoughts & Images from Andy Sharp

A New School Year Begins

The start of a new school year usually creates a very long day for me, but it’s one I particularly enjoy.   This one began even earlier in Georgetown, Texas, as  Williamson County Sun writer Jonathan Adams  and I shadowed the Georgetown Independent School District’s new superintendent, Dr. Fred Brent.   He’s included in the last two photos from this post.  The other photos are my usual fare, but I hope you enjoy them.   One pretty cool thing happened at Mitchell Elementary School, where principal Rob Dyer, answering the call to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, allowed himself to have large tubs of ice water poured atop his head.   He did this not once, but three times today, for three separate school pep rallies.   He’s a pretty cool dude (is that a pun?).   Anyway, teachers, parents and students, have a grand year.

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